Are you, your child, or grandchild currently enrolled in university, community college, or a trades certification program? If so and you are in good standing with the union then you are likely eligible for an educational grant hosted by the Western Virginia Labor Federation. This grant applies to deserving and in good standing active members of the local as well as the relatives of active, retired or deceased members of this local due to our affiliation with the W.V.L.F. (relatives refers to a child, grandchild, stepchild, or legally adopted child.) More importantly this is a grant for current employees within the union and an incredible opportunity that the Education and the Trade skills committees both strongly encourage you to take advantage of. However, act fast if you are interested because applications will need to be delivered to the labor fed by May 17. Completed applications and related secondary scholastic records can be turned in to members of the Edu. committee (Trey B., Jonathan D., Kay R., etc.), the Trade skills committee (Brian J.), and the delegates for the local Brian K. and David H. We will handle delivery of applications. The grant is for $500 and you can find more information on requirements, regulations, the application process, and important dates on the Education Committee page: