The Union has had a newsletter in the past, but it has rarely been used. We will be using it and our new website as a way to provide monthly updates and other pertinent information to the membership.
First, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for electing your Union team. We will work for and with each of you to create change that will enhance our work environment.
The most important topic right now is the contract. Our labor contract ends July 27, 2024. Please pay attention to the Union Boards for information about the contract, found near the breakrooms in each building. Various committees will also make regular updates there. The new Local website,, will contain the same updates, as well as contact information for the local. Please come to the Union meetings every first Thursday of each month. There, the executive board and committee chairs make their reports to the local, and you can ask them any questions you would like, and possibly vote on issues that pertain to the local. Make sure you know who your Union stewards are, they are a valuable source of information about the contract and work rules, and are a good link between you and the union.
Knowing that the current contract will soon expire, it’s important for everyone to know that negotiations will start soon for the next contract. The goal of a contract negotiation is to always get a good contract without a strike. Your elected representatives in the Negotiations Committee will be bargaining on your behalf, and will base what they bargain for on surveys that will be provided and tabulated in the coming months. Negotiations could go either way, so we need to prepare for any situation.
As we move forward, we will ensure that we provide updates and information via all the routes mentioned above, but I want to remind everyone that your Union officials are there for you. Do not hesitate to stop them and discuss issues or ask questions.
I want to send my condolences to my Union brothers and sisters that have recently lost loved ones. Please keep each of them and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you,